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VIPadm Ensures the Hospital's Safety

Medical & Construction Engineering Department

VIPadm is an Administration and Security System that provides overview and control of all external employees who have assignments at the hospital.

In 2019 we got our first hospital client who started using VIPadm. At that time focus was to get an overview of all external technicians with assignments at the Medical Technical Department (MTA). VIPadm now also include Construction Technology Dept. Several hospitals have discovered the benefit of using VIPadm to handle external employees. Invite people can be done from VIPadm mobile app.

vipadm mockup

VIPadm Mobile

Owner of the app can have the view and status of all own invitations. (historical & future)
1. ID card on the mobile is made for in/out registration.
2. Book meeting rooms displayed on iPad/Samsung tablet outside the meeting rooms
3. Invite guests. On first visit – only mobile/e-mail is needed. Next visitors do registration themselves.

ID card on the mobile is made for in/out registration.
Book meeting rooms displayed on iPad/Samsung tablet outside the meeting rooms
Invite guests. On first visit – only mobile/e-mail is needed. Next visitors do
registration themselves.

Colors indicate following:
Green = Invitation accepted
Red = Guest has canceled. 
Orange = number of incomplete registrations, White = Number invited
Orange = number of incomplete registrations, White = Number invited


A self-registration SMS or email is sent to the guest and the guest he/she registers

First time external staff have an assignment at the hospital, they receive an email with an attachment to the Confidentiality Statement and Security Instructions that they must sign. When signing is complete, the visitor and host receive a copy of the signed document. In addition to the signature, the document contains the name, company, and mobile phone of the guest and the host.

From VIPadm mobile app,
guests mobile is registered

Guest receives self-registration SMS

Guest Register

Receives SMS Invitation

book meeting

From VIPadm you are invited to Egil Mørner, 14.Jan 2025 at  10:00 h. Open the link to update your information.

schedule meeting

SMS Invitation

From this SMS Invitation you can set a requirement for a picture of the guest to be taken before the QR code is displayed.

Only after the SMS invitation has been confirmed, the QR code is displayed. This SMS works as the guest's ID card and is scanned to confirm arrival/departure and if mandatory allow pass through locked doors.

On the monitor today's invited guests are displayed with name, company, contact person, arrive/depart, whether the Confidentiality Statement & Security Instructions have been signed, contact person, Google Map ...

booking meeting

Book Meeting Room Display

Book meeting room display is installed on an iPad/Android tablet outside each meeting room.
External guests can be invited, and meeting rooms can be booked. The SMS invitation will show the name the selected meeting room.
Meeting rooms can be booked from VIPadm Mobile, web, Office 365 and Google Calendar.
From Location, each meeting room is registered with the necessary parameters, and which companies should have access to the individual rooms.

The VIPdisplay app is developed for iPad and Samsung tablets
From the panel you can see today's meetings, book your own meetings, change the time for the meeting, book and confirm/delete your own meetings.

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